Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fun at the Thomas Cabin

This is the cabin I grew up going to for lots of vacation time with the cousins. Some of my greatest memories as a kid where enjoyed here. Running up and down the creek, making huts under the large pine trees, eating grandma's rice crispy treats, (that still stands alone), playing in the attic, four wheeling, catching chipmunks with left over "cabin breakfast"(basically anything your heart could desire that tastes good in the morning) digging through the snow, snow flakes an inch around. One tradition that I would like to take credit for, however many brothers sisters and cousin would like to say they made up, is the Fairy Gardens or Fairy Homes. This is a tradition I believe I started and was so excited to share it with my kids when we got there. I also enjoyed spending time at the creek. One of the things I enjoyed the most yet again involved taking pictures going for four wheeling ride with Justin and Stephanie. Taking pictures is a love most of the family shares. So here we are taking pictures of the Buck, wild flowers each other, Justin even teased me because I took a picture of a cool rock. The cabin was so nice to visit. Playing games until after midnight is also a must at the cabin. Or your considered a party pooper. I felt like I got to know my bother Jeff all over again after midnight, he was so silly.